Tuesday, 11 February 2014

While I have half an hour before ceileigh dance practice so I thought I'd write up a quick blogpost. I've been waiting all week for a package to arrive from my Mum and yesterday I finished my post and went down to the office to find two huge packages waiting for me! I screamed quite a lot, hugged the male warden and ran them up to my room. Inside were chocolates, biscuits and a set of laminated writing exercises, a whiteboard and a set of pens.

This morning I had some free time and found Prakash from my first class. He can see a lot compared to a lot of my students and I've been trying to teach him to read and write for a while now. When I brought out the exercises for him this morning, he was very confused. I told him it was a gift for him from 'Anna Mam's Mummy in England.' He just didn't understand he kept saying, 'No Anna Mam me gift no.' He just couldn't except that anyone would send a gift all that way for him.

Prakash has a bit of a sad past; his parents come from a very poor family in a rural village in Andhra Pradesh, they have a lot of children and couldn't look after a blind child who cant work so he's been effectively abandoned at the school. So when he finally excepted that all this equipment had been sent for him the look on his face was just a picture! And he wanted to say a HUGE

to my Mum for her help with his studies! 

So I spent quite a fun hour with Prakash this morning trying out all the new exciting bits! 

I'm pretty sure Vishal got bored and started trying to rub out his own face 

We had to leave it there sadly because I had first class. We've been learning our parts of the body and I had the class draw around their hands and feet and then color them in. We spent a very fun lesson sticking the cut-outs to the wall and decorating! 

My first class!
Akhil is completely blind but he spent so long at the wall during today's lesson that you tell him to go find his hand and he'll run straight over and pick out the one with his name on it.

The kids were fantastic. Bringing other children out of their seats to show them the wall. Akhil here is showing Eider his hand print.

I think the kids really enjoyed making their own addition to the room and it was nice for me to see them all so engaged and active. I had to physically restrain some of the boys from running to get their friends from other classes to show them what they'd done!

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